

This privacy policy sets out the way we collect, store and process your personal information in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018*.
Your personal data

  • When a member joins or renews their membership, the information supplied will be kept electronically, and/or in printed out, and/or in hand written form. Personal data of members consists of member's name, postal address, telephone number, email address and payment details. We may also request and hold emergency contact details for members involved in fieldwork and visits.

  • Non-members wishing to be notified solely of forthcoming talks provide only name and email address.

  • We use your personal data to administer your membership and send you information that we feel will be of interest to you. This includes our newsletter, notices of talks and other events and membership-related matters. We are required to ask members for opt-in consent so that we can send you this information by email, or post.

  • Photographic images of MAG activities are stored both electronically and in printed copy. Where these contain close images of members and others, they will be reproduced and displayed publicly only with the express permission of the individuals portrayed.

Your data security

  • Full data of members are held by the Membership Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman. Names and email addresses are also held by our Communications Coordinator. The Membership Secretary maintains the database and circulates updates as circumstances require. Full data sets are encrypted for transmission.
  • All data received from members will be kept securely and not shared with or passed on to any third parties.

Your rights to change and delete your data

  • Members have the right to state what communications they wish to receive from MAG and through which media. Members also have the right to access their data, update it, change it, or have it deleted and/or shredded at any time.

  • Members who fail to re-join MAG will have their data deleted and/or shredded, but MAG will be required to keep records of donations, subject to gift aid, for at least six years to comply with HMRC rules.

Your right to complain

  • Members have the right to complain about MAG’s treatment of their data and can do so by contacting any MAG trustee. If a member is not happy with our response, the member can contact the Information Commissioner's Office at:

    Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF

*More information on GDPR can be found on the Information Commissioner's Office website
August 2021

Join Marlow Archaeology Group

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Our next talks

Boudica- Britains Rebellious Queen

Thursday 25 May 2024 8.00 (Liston Hall)
Dr Paddy Lambert (Oxford Archaeology)
Click for more information


Talks mailings
If you would like to receive information on our future talks, please sign up to our mailing list by contacting us at
