A history of our projects
Marlow Archaeology Group is the successor of both Archaeology in Marlow and Marlow Archaeological Society. Both previous societies had undertaken successful projects over a 20-year period. Since the merger, MAG has been actively involved with the investigations at Church Paddock in Cookham by the University of Reading in both 2021 and 2022 since 2021. Our contribution has been to help organise the participation of volunteers; support site set up and restoration; excavation and recording; and finds processing. This will continue for subsequent stages of the project.
Previous projects by AIM and MAS include:
Taplow (1999/2000)
A successful geophysical survey of land near the Anglo-Saxon burial mound to determine the location and layout of the former parish church on the site, together with a small excavation to confirm the location.
Harleyford, Marlow (2000)
A fieldwalk survey produced many examples of worked flint and indicated use of the site in the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. Further investigation of the site was recommended.
Happy Valley, Marlow (2002)
A fieldwalk based survey to investigate evidence of past use or occupation. There were few finds which, although interesting were insufficient for reliable conclusions
Marlow Burgage plots (2003)
A survey of Marlow High Street to identify and record the original medieval burgage plots.
Church Paddock, Cookham (2005)
A geophysical survey and excavation in the north-east of Church Paddock. A cobbled trackway was discovered together with Neolithic, Roman and Anglo-Saxon finds.
Low Grounds nr Marlow (2007)
A geophysical survey followed by excavation provided evidence of use and occupation of the site during the Mesolithic (mortuary enclosures), Neolithic (house, burial mound and a unique Neolithic tannery), Bronze Age (3 barrows), Iron Age (round houses) and Roman period (skeleton dated approx 270 AD). Site now buried under spoil from flood alleviation scheme.
ROMADAM (2004 – 2014)
Medmenham Iron Age Hillfort (2007/8)
Topographic and geophysical surveys of the present earthworks to determine their condition and the evidence of earlier occupation.
Danesfield Iron Age Hillfort (2007/8)
Topographic survey to determine the extent and current condition of the Iron Age earthworks, of which some 70% remain.
Warren Wood Earthworks nr Marlow (2005 – 2010)
Investigation of a double enclosure of uncertain purpose, dated to the Medieval period but with evidence of a nearby Iron Age cremation burial.
Warren Wood nr Marlow (2010-2014)
A physical and geophysical survey of banks and earthworks in Warren Wood together with excavation of a bank and ditch with Iron Age and Medieval associations.
WW1 Training Trenches, nr Marlow (2008)
A land survey to accurately record the position and extent of the First World War training trenches on Marlow Common.
Cookham Cemetery (2009) A geophysical survey and excavation prior to a cemetery extension discovered evidence of ard ploughing, attributed to the Iron Age because of the proximity to a known Iron Age enclosure.
Cliveden (2009 & 2010)
Investigation of some exposed brickwork on Green Lane for the National Trust, uncovered the remains a substantial brick wall dated to the 17th century. There was no documentary record to confirm the date or its purpose.
A geophysical survey of the South Lawn was undertaken to reveal features of an earlier formal garden, with limited success.
Higginson Park, Marlow (2010)
A geophysical survey and subsequent excavation of an area in the park by The Causeway revealed the foundations and floor of an outbuilding, probably associated with past occupation to the south of the site.
Marlow Rowing Club (2010)
A limited investigation associated with construction of the new Clubhouse found undated evidence of a former riverbank and possible revetments or moorings.
Sashes Island nr Cookham (2010)
A buried linear feature discovered by a previous survey was confirmed by a more extensive geophysical survey. No dating evidence was obtained or information about its function.
Riley Park, Marlow (2011)
A geophysical survey and excavation uncovered an ancient stream bed or ditch and the foundations of the grandstand of Marlow Football Club, demolished when the Club moved to its present ground.
Alfred Major Park, Cookham (2012) Inconclusive resistivity search for a reported Roman trackway.
Odney nr Cookham (2011-2018)
A series of geophysical surveys together with intrusive investigations was unable to determine the origin of visible ditch and bank features on the ground. Some evidence of what appeared to be Tudor period garden features was discovered but without firm dating evidence.
Rookery Gardens, Marlow (2011–2014)
Excavation of the foundations of the demolished Victorian villa. The presence of a former 18th century farmhouse on the site was confirmed. The cellar was dated to c1670, revealing an earlier unrecorded building.
Roads: Alderman Silvers Road (various dates 2009 - 2014)
Carried out various studies in Maidenhead and Cookham to verify historic reports about an ancient track said to run between Bray and Winter Hill. We continue to look for further evidence.
Newman Field, Grange Road, Cookham Rise (2014)
The Alderman Silvers investigations drew attention to a large rectangular feature, straddling Terry’s Lane, Cookham, visible using LIDAR, that is almost certainly the result of human action and which requires further research and investigation.
Low Grounds nr Marlow (2017)
A geophysical survey to confirm the location of Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age features to avoid destruction by planned flood alleviation works.
Great How Tumulus nr Pinkneys Green (2019)
Trial auger bores followed by a section of a bank and ditch suggested that the feature was probably not ancient as had been thought.
Hurley Priory (2019)
A geophysical survey in association with the University of Reading, confirmed the location of the Priory chapel and its layout.
Marlow Warlord nr Marlow (2020)
Following a detectorists’ discovery, excavation of a sentinel burial of an Anglo-Saxon warrior in association with the University of Reading.
Frogmill nr Hurley (2020)
A geophysical survey of an area with a distinctive crop mark revealed the presence of a large Roman period building. Further investigation to follow.
Marlow Cellars Survey (2021)
An inspection of a number of cellars under High Street properties to investigate clues to construction dates and the town’s development.
Church Paddock, Cookham (2021)
Support for the University of Reading’s preliminary investigation of the site in six trial trenches, revealing Early Medieval activity.
Roads: Camlet Way (2022 -2023)
Participation in a wider research project into the possible existence of Roman Roads linking the Romano-British centres of Verulamium (St Albans) and Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester), roads that would almost inevitably traverse our area.
Church Paddock, Cookham (2022 & 2023)
Assistance to the University of Reading field project with organisation of volunteers, excavation and recording, finds processing and site set-up and restoration. The settlement shown to be an important Early Medieval ecclesiastical and trading centre.
Our next talks
The forgotten island? - Recent archaeological work on Iron Age Alderney
Thursday 16 January at 8 pm by Zoom
By Dr Philip de Jersey FSA States Archaeologist, Culture & Heritage, Guernsey
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